An Example of farm pond after treatment with Efflu8


  • Enables the biological digestion of animal waste.  
  • Reduces the costs of effluent pond maintenance and drainage. 
  • Breaks up and dissolves solids and decreases organic content.  
  • Removes sludge accumulations at the base of the pond. 
  • Greatly reduces or eliminates odours.  
  • Increases fertiliser value of water from the pond used for irrigation. 


Powder Product  

  • Efflue8- Ag powder contains beneficial aerobic, anaerobic and facultative micro-organisms and nutrients that accelerate the biodegradation of animal waste and other wastes high in proteins.  
  • Free-flowing beige coloured powder in 250-gram water soluble plastic pouches, shrink wrapped in an outer waterproof plastic bag containing 2 or 4 pouches. 
  • Total bacterial count is 5 billion CFU/gm. 

Liquid Product 

  • Efflu8- AG liquid is a free-flowing off-white coloured liquid in a 500 ml plastic bottle, shrink wrapped in an outer waterproof plastic bag.  
  • Total bacterial count is 5 billion CFU/gm. 


  • The amount of product required will be based on the peak number of cows being milked. Entering the number of cows in the Order section of the website will produce the correct dosage for your farm.  
  • Remove the pouches from the outer plastic wrapping. 
  • Throw the pouches into the effluent pond. Ideally throw one pouch near the inlet pipe for the pond and the others at different points around the pond to give some separation between the pouches. 
  • Remove the plastic bottle from the outer plastic wrapping. 
  • Pour the contents of the bottle into the effluent pond at 2 or 3 different areas of the pond.  
  • Store both powder and liquid products in a cool, dry location away from sunlight. 


  • Stay a safe distance back from the pond so there is no danger of falling into the pond when throwing the pouches or throwing in the liquid from the bottles. 
  • Do not inhale the product and avoid contact with the eyes. Avoid excessive contact with the skin. 
  • Do not drink the liquid.